focused + fit
success stories
This is personalized, so you are only going to get what you put in, and the process is only as tight as you make it. When I started I needed more leeway, but after a couple months, I was ready to get more serious, and my schedule allowed for that. Be honest with what you can do, and don’t go too easy on yourself if you want results! I started my journey with focused + fit not long after my son was born, and I have found that the very tailored approach from focused + fit works very well. I have lost 20 pounds, 5% of my body fat, and gained 2 pounds of lean muscle over the last 20 weeks, and I credit focused + fit’s personalized method. Working with someone who understands juggling a full-time job, two kids, and fitness goals is the only way I could have ever accomplished my goals so far.
focused + fit helped me develop the tools to properly fuel my training so that my first full Ironman was uneventful! I was able to smile during the whole race because I knew my plan and experienced zero dips in energy. I just listened and executed…I couldn’t have asked for better guidance.
I’ve always been pretty healthy, but I knew that if I was going to finish a 50 mile ultra marathon, I was going to have to take my nutrition to a higher level. Based on my athletic objectives, focused + fit set my fueling goals (overall calories and proper carb, fat, protein mix) and gave me the right tools to make healthy choices, helping me have the energy necessary to hit new running PRs. The biggest benefit I’ve had working with focused + fit has been understanding the importance of pre-, intra-, and post-run fueling as a means for preventing injury and speeding recovery. This was critical when my training schedule required me to run two 20 plus mile runs in a 24-hour period. No way would I have been able to do that pre-focused + fit.
After a long history of dieting and taking extreme measures to lose weight, I always carried a lot self-doubt and guilt about my willpower – or lack thereof. Working with my coach to establish goals and focusing on the overall picture has given me the DATA that I needed to get to a different place – not only from a nutritional standpoint but as a whole person. This journey has allowed me to find inner peace that I didn’t even know I needed. I truly believe I will leave this Earth with more acceptance of myself than I could have imagined.
For the first time in my life I’m looking at a more full picture of my health – nutrition, exercise, sleep and hydration. Lisa and the focused + fit team have really helped me to appreciate balance and be more realistic with myself about my goals — and the role I play in actively achieving them. I’m grateful for the accountability and the sense of community I feel as a client, and I know that I’m being equipped with the knowledge and tools to succeed on a lifelong health journey.
As I progressed in my training for Ironman Texas, I realized I would have to improve my approach to my nutrition if I were going to do well in my first Ironman. I consulted with focused+fit to fine-tune my hydration and nutrition strategy to power me through the race. focused + fit provided me guidance on how to stock my kitchen, construct a meal plan for training days, and understand how many calories I needed to fuel my training day in and day out. This information was very valuable to me as a newbie to the sport of triathlon. My coach really kept it simple, and I was not overwhelmed. In addition, she taught me to listen to the signals that my body gave me regarding nutrition/hydration throughout training, so I could adjust as I trained as well. From a nutrition standpoint, my race went great. I was able to eat what was comfortable for me and complete the race well-fueled and without any GI issues, which is always a big concern for long-course athletes.
Signing up with focused + fit has been one of the wisest decisions I’ve ever made. Being a sponsored triathlete and runner, I need any edge I can get on the competition. Recently, with my f+f coach’s expert nutritional knowledge, I nailed the nutrition plan we developed and took 90 minutes off my personal best time at IRONMAN FLORIDA, going well above and beyond what I dreamed possible! focused + fit developed a nutrition plan for exactly what my body needed during my rigorous training schedule, allowing me to fuel properly, recover faster, and make the most out of every workout!
With all the dietary misinformation out there and popular fads bombarding us on every front, it can be overwhelming to even know where to begin to achieve basic health goals. Remove the guesswork. Whether your goal is to simply lose a few pounds, begin getting in shape, or to set a personal best marathon time, I highly recommend focused + fit.
focused + fit helped me redefine health and taught me the value and importance that adequate nutrition plays in weight loss, muscle gain, and increased fitness performance – primarily that with athletes, fewer calories isn’t always best. Once I realized that not all calories are created equal and quality foods matter, I started seeing noticeable changes, making consistency and maintenance a little bit easier. I have learned that if you want to be successful, building good habits and planning ahead are a must.
I have consistently lost weight as long as I stayed on the program. When I’ve had questions or concerns, focused + fit has been there for me with answers and suggestions. focused + fit has also been very encouraging and supportive when I have slipped up. I have seen nutritionists before who gave me a calorie count to maintain, but I wasn’t able to lose more than a few pounds. The calorie count was generally too low for me, and I couldn’t keep it up for long term. It takes self-discipline, but the rewards are so immediate that it’s not that difficult to stay on track. I love the personalized counseling that focused + fit gives me.
I have to say my biggest take away from focused + fit is the amount of control I’ve gained over my food. I used to beat myself up if I veered off course which would then create an avalanche of poor choices. focused + fit has shown me that one single “cheat meal” isn’t the end of the world. It isn’t any reason to be disappointed in myself. When you step back and take into consideration how many meals you eat in a week (at least 21), one bad choice doesn’t seem so detrimental. I’ve learned to focus on the 20+ healthy meal choices I made in a week instead of dwelling on that serving of pizza
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last 3 years of working with focused + fit, it’s that being “fit” is definitely a journey, NOT a destination. I am an athlete and realized that harsh training and not-so-disciplined nutrition were really taking a toll on my body. Performance in my training, particularly running, had declined. I was “soft” all over, and felt generally “flat” in terms of energy. My focused + fit coach listened, asked questions, and listened some more. She asked me MY goals rather than insert her own for me or guide me towards any “mainstream” goal(s) that women my age might have (or “should” have.) She educated me and gave me guidance to really make some great changes in my nutrition, such that within about 4 months of working with her, I achieved a new PR on my full marathon time and was feeling better and visibly LOOKING better than I had in YEARS! I was ecstatic!! I just can’t thank focused + fit enough for being there for me. They didn’t let me lose sight of my goals during some quite difficult times. I am forever grateful!
From childhood I have struggled with weight. I was always a bigger kid. As an adult, my weight peaked somewhere between 350-400 lb. I dropped a lot of weight to join the Navy using some fairly unhealthy practices, so I maintained a bad relationship with food throughout my Navy career. This relationship was further undermined by extremely negative treatment by the fitness “experts” in my command. When I came to focused + fit for help, my weight had ballooned back up to the 260s, and I felt it. At first, I was trying to stick my bad habits into good macro targets and make it work, never quite buying into the idea that there was a quality component to eating instead of just calories in and calories out. I was seeing some changes over the months, measurements were dropping bit by bit, but nothing to write home about. I finally bought into the idea of cleaning up my food quality like f+f had been recommending for months, and everything changed. My weight dropped, and my body composition began changing dramatically. I felt better than I had in years, and the changes are still happening! It has been quite a year, and I can’t wait to see what happens next year!