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The other day I posted an article about something called “ultra-processed foods” and how they’re standing in the way between you and your results.

[Link to blog here]

Because the old saying is true: You CANNOT out-exercise a bad diet.

The blog talked about the first step you can take to start eliminating those foods. 

Step #1: BE AWARE of your cravings, so you can 1) notice patterns and 2) feel more in control of them.

So … what’s the next step?

Step #2: BE PREPARED. The Scouts were onto something with this one.

If you know that you start craving salty/sweet/crunchy food every time you crash on the couch at night after a long day, BE PREPARED.

If you know that every afternoon you start having visions of chocolate chip cookies dancing in your head, BE PREPARED.

If you always associate eating beer and hot dogs at every baseball game, BE PREPARED.

What “being prepared” looks like will depend on you and your situation.

But it can include these two simple tactics:

  • Find a diversion. I quit heading straight to the pantry when my stress levels get super high (yes, it happens to me too!). Instead I started working on incorporating some other stress relieving outlets, like going outside for a minute or stopping to reach out to a friend. 
  • Have a healthier option on-hand: frozen fruit, carrot/celery sticks, nonfat yogurt with fresh berries, homemade air fryer wings. Make sure it’s ready to go.

From my own experience (and that of my clients) it only takes a few days of making the switch for cravings to start going away. For real!

And also for you to start noticing changes in your energy, your sleep, and your results!

It’s all about being intentional about what you put into your body … and not letting the “automatic” habits take over and derail you from your goals! 

It’s a lot easier than you think. 

Here at focused+fit, we focus on simple changes that bring big results. 

If you’re looking to lose body fat in a healthy, sustainable way then let us help you put a personalized plan together to help you get there! It starts with a phone call, which you can schedule today.

Make it an incredible day,


​P.S. So tell me. What is the one thing you’re going to do this week to better prepare yourself for your next moment of weakness?

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