Detoxes. 21-day challenges. 9-day juice cleanses. These are just some of the ideas and programs that are probably popping up in your Facebook feed and inbox right now. They follow a similar pattern. We give you a plan. You follow it. You win. Until you don’t because they don’t teach you how to live in the real world, how to navigate life and parties and business travel. They probably don’t address your desire to perform or have energy to chase your kids. They are simple, one-sized fits all meal plans that aren’t tailored to you.
You are unique. You have responsibilities that extend far beyond three to six meals a day. You need strategies that reshape your lifestyle not a short-term plan.
Before we jump into meal plans, we want to help you first back up and focus on what it means to be healthy and look at how all the pieces of your life are coming together to either support or challenge your health. We want you to start 2019 with a refreshed perspective on what habits you can and should be chasing to improve not just your waist line, but all of you, inside and out.
Starting January 11th, we are going to launch Ready. Set. Go. A free five-day jumpstart program to help you work through what your goals for 2019 should be and how to set up routines and habits to make progress toward those goals. Are we going to talk about what to do? Absolutely! And more importantly, we are going to talk about why and how to go about making changes, because if you don’t know the why and the how, you’re unlikely to sustain your efforts. It’s the sustainability that makes the difference when we want to change the long-term outcome.
Here’s how it’s going to work. For five-days you’re going to get a daily email at 8 a.m. CT with a lesson to read and an activity to complete at some point during the day. We will host a Facebook Live daily at 11 a.m. CT in our private Facebook group to discuss the lesson and activity in more detail for you to have as much insight as possible to guide you through the day’s lesson and activity. You’ll also be encouraged to share your insights, questions and feedback in the Facebook group, so everyone is learning and growing together.
Through the five days we are going to cover:
- Day 1: Understanding nutrition myths + truths
- Day 2: Setting power goals for 2019
- Day 3: Building a lifestyle
- Day 4: Remapping routines
- Day 5: Establishing accountability + action plans
Our goal is that by the end of the program each of you will have a clear idea of new habits you’re going to form and implement to make 2019 a year for a healthier you. Think it would help you? Sign up today (https://focusedfitnutrition.com/lets-get-started/) and we look forward to kicking off your jumpstart on January 11th!
5 day challenge